Organic MoonWomb + French Clay


The first therapeutic fully organic motherhood pillow. For pregnancy, feeding, and serious cuddle time.

A highly versatile pillow that will comfort your growing belly and when baby arrives it will provide stable comforting support, keeping baby close to you and assist in obtaining a proper latch. Its filling is move-able yet stable so you and your baby both feel supported in all the right places. Generously sized so that you will not be hunching or leaning over to reach your babies mouth. Supports  and encourages many breastfeeding positions from cradle to football to nursing twins, even side-lying.

Pregnancy Use:

• Low compression provides ultimate support for hips and spine, takes the weight off and allows you to rest comfortably.

• May be used behind the back for lower back pain and to prevent rolling over. 

• Stable support for your upper body or lower body during labor

• Used to open hips and lower baby into optimal position for birth. (Sitting position) 


 The MoonWomb motherhood pillow. 


The MoonWomb™ includes a small pocket with an optional removable sachet of organic lavender and chamomile flowers, that will help to calm you and your baby.

 Large surface area 33"x 16"x 9" and works for pregnancy and feeding babies from birth on up. 

MoonWomb™ ☾ for Pregnancy

MoonWomb™ ☾ Feeding Positions

 MoonWomb™ ☾Materials 



 *Please do not leave baby unattended, staying with baby is best.

 *You may add or remove hulls to achieve your preferred fullness. See product care for instructions